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Quzhou Research Institute of Zhejiang University

The Key Laboratory of Biomass Chemical Industry of the Ministry of Education (Zhejiang University), led by Academician Ren Qilong, focuses on the characteristics of biomass resources, solves common key scientific problems in the utilization of biomass resources, and reduces the energy consumption and energy consumption of biomass conversion. Material consumption, improve the technical and economic feasibility of the biomass chemical process, and ultimately realize the multi-level and multi-channel utilization of biomass resources. The laboratory mainly focuses on five categories: "Biomass Macromolecule Functionalization", "Biomass Directed Chemical Conversion", "Biomass Biocatalysis and Conversion", "Separation and Purification of Biologically Active Substances" and "Resourceization of Low-grade Biomass". Carry out research in different directions, with clear research directions and outstanding characteristics and advantages.

In July 2018, the Quzhou Research Institute of Zhejiang University was co-sponsored by the Quzhou Municipal Government and Zhejiang University to realize the docking of advantageous resources between Zhejiang University and Southern Zhejiang, and conduct in-depth research in new materials, resources and environment, and biomedicine.

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