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Nano cellulose
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Nano cellulose

The diameter of nano cellulose is about one-20,000th of the hair, the weight is one-fifth of steel, and its strength can reach five times that of steel. It has a special enhancement effect on bio-based materials.

Zhejiang Biodegradable and Nano Materials Innovation Center and South China University of Technology signed a long-term strategic cooperation agreement based on the "Key Manufacturing Technology of Micro and Nano cellulose", and has built the first 100kg/d micro and nano cellulose green pilot test line in Qingshan Lake Science and Technology City. The cellulose green pilot test line has the three characteristics of greenness, continuity, and low cost, and has extensively carried out research on the high-value application of micro-nano cellulose.


Nano cellulose can be widely used in the following fields:

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