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  • Full degradable materials

    Bio-based full degradable materials refer to materials that are produced from biomass resources and can be 100% degraded in nature. Bio-based full degradable materials have a variety of good physical ..

  • Antistatic agent

    The products have been widely used in polymer materials in the electronics, petrochemical, rubber, coating, packaging, coal, textile and other industries, which can significantly reduce the surface re..

  • Nano cellulose

    The diameter of nano cellulose is about one-20,000th of the hair, the weight is one-fifth of steel, and its strength can reach five times that of steel. It has a special enhancement effect on bio-base..

  • Bio-based modified lignin

    This project is led by Zhejiang Province Bio-based Full Degradable and Nanocellulose Manufacturing Industry Innovation Center, and is jointly researched and promoted by Zhongce Rubber Group Co., Ltd.,.....

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