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Full degradable materials

Bio-based full degradable materials refer to materials that are produced from biomass resources and can be 100% degraded in nature. Bio-based full degradable materials have a variety of good physical and mechanical properties and are effective means to solve white pollution.


The full biodegradable materials of Zhejiang Province Bio-based full Degradable and Nanocellulose Manufacturing Industry Innovation Center have passed the DIN CERTCO degradability certification of TÜV Rheinland Group, in line with the national standard GB/T38082-2019, and are biodegradable, compostable, printable, etc. With advantages in biochemical and physical characteristics, the products have been widely used in industrial and agricultural production. The final products include special resin for full biodegradable shopping bags, special resin for full degradable garbage bags, special resin for full degradable express bags, starch masterbatch, modified starch masterbatch, Laminating resin for full degradable paper cups, laminating resin for full degradable food packaging, lignin-based full degradable film bags, etc.

The Innovation Center provides customers with customized biodegradable material solutions. At present, it mainly promotes three typical special materials for film bags, namely HS101, HS102 and HS103. Without changing the existing film blowing process, it has excellent strength, compostability, printability and other properties.


Product name
Main ingredients
Feature application
HS101 Special resin resin for full degradable shopping bags PBAT, starch, etc. Excellent performance, printable, suitable for vest bags, flat bags, roll bags, etc.
HS102 Special resin resin for full degradable shopping bags PBAT, PLA, starch, etc. Excellent performance, printable, suitable for all kinds of shopping bags, vest bags, flat bags, roll bags, etc.
HS103 Special resin resin for full degradable courier bags PBAT, starch, etc. Excellent performance, printable, suitable for all kinds of express bags.
HS201 Starch masterbatch Starch, glycerin, etc. Solid particles, easy to use, no dust hazards, 80% starch content, flexible adjustment of downstream product formulations.
HS202 Modified starch masterbatch Modified starch, glycerin, etc. Solid particles, easy to use, no dust hazards, 80% starch content, flexible adjustment of downstream product formulations, and can significantly improve downstream product performance.
HS301 Special resin for Lamination?film of full degradable paper cup PBAT etc. Excellent performance, suitable for disposable paper cups.
HS302 Special resin for Lamination?film for full degradable food packaging PBAT etc. Excellent performance, suitable for food packaging.
HS401 Lignin-based full degradable film bag PBAT, lignin, etc. Adding lignin increases the strength of the film bag, has excellent performance and is full biodegradable.
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